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In Hungary commonly referred to as eper in everyday language, the szamóca version typically grows on mounds in fields, while eper refers to the fruit that grows on trees, either black or white, and is small and sweet.

Usage: Strawberries are usually eaten raw on their own or used in desserts. However, they also pair well with cheeses, such as goat cheese, or with asparagus in dishes or salads. You can chop them finely and season them with olive oil, salt, and pepper for use in salads or alongside cheeses. Strawberries can also be used to make smoothies, cream soups, homemade ice cream, or jams and preserves. The leaves are also safe to eat and can be dried to make tea.

Storage: Store in the refrigerator and consume as soon as possible. You can extend their shelf life by soaking them in apple cider vinegar and water before storage, then drying them completely on a paper towel or kitchen cloth before placing them in the fridge.

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